Birth declaration

You must register the birth of your child in the municipality where it was born. Do this as soon as possible, but at least within 3 days after the birth. If your child was born in a hospital, you must register it in the municipality where the hospital is located.

The child was born on:You make the declaration on:
SundayMonday, Tuesday or Wednesday
MondayTuesday, Wednesday or Thursday
TuesdayWednesday, Thursday or Friday
WednesdayThursday, Friday or Monday
ThursdayFriday or Monday
FridayMonday or Tuesday
SaturdayMonday or Tuesday

If there is a public holiday in the period in which you are required to file the birth certificate, the deadline will be moved up 1 day. Public holidays are: Good Friday, Easter, Ascension Day, Whitsun, King’s Day, Liberation Day, and Christmas.

The municipality is conducting a trial for online birth registration. This is currently only possible for births in the hospital OLVG East. Is your child born in OLVG East and do you or your partner have the Dutch nationality? Then click here.

What do you need?

  • The date and time of birth of your child
  • The birth name of your child
  • A valid identity document from yourself
  • If you acknowledged the child before birth in another municipality or at a notary public: the deed ‘Erkenning ongeboren vrucht’ (Acknowledgement of unborn child)
  • If you have chosen a name in another municipality or at a notary public: the deed of choice of name.

For the municipality of Amsterdam you have to make an appointment for the declaration of birth.

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