Paternity leave

Since January 1, partners of women who have given birth are entitled to 1 week of partner/paternity leave. It makes no difference whether you work full-time or part-time. Example: do you work 5 days and 6 hours a day? Then you get 30 hours of partner/paternity leave: 5 x 6 working hours. The employer pays… Continue reading Paternity leave

Heel prick & hearing test

The heel prick is administered in the first week after birth. A member of staff from the health clinic will visit you at home. The heel prick is automatically initiated once your baby has been registered with the municipality. A few drops of blood will be taken from your baby through a prick in the… Continue reading Heel prick & hearing test

Breastfeeding or formula feeding?

Terra Verloskundigen Borstvoeding amsterdam noord

During your pregnancy we will discuss the choice for breastfeeding or formula feeding. It is up to you and your partner to make a choice that feels right. We will support and guide you regardless of your choice. Breastfeeding is the natural nutrition for your baby. It contains substances that protect against infections and diseases… Continue reading Breastfeeding or formula feeding?